International Healthcare Professional Education - What You Need to Know:
This session will discuss (1) the advantages of teaching overseas, (2 ) its limitations, ), and (3) lessons learned from experience teaching overseas.
Long Term Medical Teaching Overseas:
This session will discuss opportunities for and the benefits of long term healthcare professional training overseas, using the example of residency training of Africans in Africa. Opportunities for paid professional medical teaching positions overseas, some in English, will be briefly discussed.
Short Term Medical Teaching Overseas:
This session will discuss different types of short term healthcare professional teaching opportunities overseas and give examples of their impacts.
Whole Person Medicine and Whole Person Teaching:
This session will outline the nature, benefits, and wide acceptance of whole person medicine education and the wholistic teaching methods used to teach it.
Whole Person Medicine Education – The Kenyan Story:
This session will tell the story of how whole person medicine education was brought to Kenya and how it has become an indigenous ministry with wide impact.