The following meals are included in your registration:
*Vegetarian and gluten free meals are available at the conference.
We do NOT offer refunds.
Yes. The GMHC is working with AFC Travel to book hotels. Any other organization that may contact you through email or phone call is NOT associated with the GMHC.
Solicitation of organizations can result in removal of personal and organization profile from the site.
Solicitation of GMHC organizations can result in immediate cancellation without financial remittance.
Any organization that solicits members of the community will be blocked unless they have written permission from the GMHC.
The staff of reserves the right to remove any personal or organization profile if site terms and rules are not followed.
Southeast Christian Church (host of the GMHC) offers host housing for students and missionaries attending the GMHC. Members of Southeast Christian Church offer their homes as hosts during the GMHC. A member of the GMHC team will be in touch with you once you have completed your form.
NOTE: If you are part of a group, only one person should apply for the entire group.