Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Teaching HIV/AIDS

When people in the developing world want someone to teach about health issues like
HIV, they look to medical people. Thus, whether you are going for a short- or long-term trip, you may well be asked, “Are you ready?” Unless you specialize in infectious disease, how much do you really know about the disease? What is your goal
in teaching? What do people really need to know? Perhaps the most important question is how do you communicate the facts about disease to
an audience that has very little, if any, understanding of science. In fact, many have
a deep distrust of science. This breakout session is based on more than 26
years of experience teaching about HIV around the world. The interactive discussion will help you think through the questions above as the facilitator shares with you the stories God has given him that communicate the important concepts in ways that are easily understood and applied by audiences in cultures
that are very different from our own.

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Guidance: How to Find God's Will

The Global Missions Health Conference attracts students and medical professionals from all over the United States who want to live out their faith through medicine but are not sure what that means for their lives. This session will provide a biblical framework for understanding our calling in light of God’s redemptive work in the world today.

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Health Promotion in Disaster Relief Missions

How can we use health promotion to more effectively prepare for disasters and to respond when they occur? During this session, participants will examine ways to use health promotion to deal with disasters. How can we be better prepared for disasters, reducing the risks, and, after a disaster, move on from relief to recovery and rebuilding? How can the local community be involved?

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Community Health and Development in Urban Africa

The course will deal with poverty in the urban slum. Attention will be given
to a biblical framework
for development and a strategy for doing “Kingdom Development.” Illustrations will come from lessons being learned in Nairobi, Kenya; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; and Bangkok, Thailand.

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