Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

God's Guidance and the Missionary "Call"

Exploring what the Bible says about how God's active guidance and how we can have confidence to follow by faith .

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As we consider the commission that Jesus gave his followers, while realizing that over 3,000,000,000 have never heard the name of Jesus, there is too much work to be done for us to not work together.  While there are many ways we are different, we have One God, One Savior, One Spirit, One Body and One Mission.  If we are going to fulfill the Great Commission, we must not only work together, but we also must empower indigenous, national Christ followers to further the Great Commission.  Only by handing the baton off to them will we be able to fulfill this commission.  We must do God’s will, God’s way.

When we understand the Mission we have been given, we will understand the only way to accomplish the Great Commission is by doing it together -- across language, culture, national and other boarders with those who love and follow Christ. 

The session we are featuring today explores unique ways to partner and empower people around the world. 

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For All to Hear: current state of missions and the Gospel worldwide

In this breakout we will take a look at the current state of missions and the Gospel worldwide. Where is the church struggling to penetrate? What are some strategies that are being developed to get into those areas? What role can medical professionals play in getting the Gospel to unreached people?

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Communicating with Muslims

Understanding Simple, Non Threatening Steps and Strategies to Communicating the Gospel of the Kingdom, Christ Crucified, and The wisdom of God to the heart of the Muslim through the power of The of the Scriptures and of The Holy Spirit. Resulting in Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption from God.

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