Sewa Stories: The physical and spiritual transformation of India's destitute

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Although ill defined and legally outlawed, the caste system of India is too deeply rooted to not have continued influence in daily life. The needs of the poor are vast. Homelessness and addiction are just two of the major plagues of the poor of India. However, there is hope. Sewa Ashram is a community that translates to “Serving Community,” and is a place where the love and hope found in Christ is shared with those who would know no hope or love otherwise. A crucial component of this is staff, volunteers, and long-term patients showing love towards one another in the name of Christ by serving and respecting one another. This attitude is displayed for and trickled down to the patients. The patient population is comprised of men who are destitute and have various acute and chronic health problems like tuberculosis, liver disease, traumatic wounds, or paralysis. Medical needs are met as best as possible given the resources available. Moreover, spiritual and emotional needs are addressed. Prayer meetings, one on one discipleship, and life groups are just a few examples of how these needs are met. It is amazing to see God work when a person is told and showed that they are of value and treated as a fellow image bearer of God.


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