About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

At AMOS Health & Hope our core values are inspired by Jesus’ example: a commitment to serve alongside those most in need, to live out the Gospel through love in action, and to celebrate with local leaders as they work towards bringing peace, justice and health to their communities. The dream for AMOS began in 1967 with the work of Dr. Gustavo Parajón. Faced with overwhelming need in the poorest rural communities, Dr. Parajón frequently remarked: In Nicaragua, a doctor shouldn’t just be a doctor; a doctor must also be a teacher.” This vision for empowerment gave birth to a broad health care initiative that continues to focus on local leadership development. AMOS has seen tremendous growth under the direction of Drs. David & Laura Parajón. The health care project that began with a small collection of 13 communities in the municipality of San José de los Remates has now grown to encompass 26 communities in four departments, offering basic health care to over 20,000 people.

What's new with AMOS Health & Hope...



  • JP  Melton
  • Jeremiah Barnes
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Angel Gaikwad
  • Kristy Engel
  • Ashley  Davis
  • Sheryl Snyder
  • James Stinespring


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