About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

Though over a century has passed, the vision of our mission has not changed. We go to the ends of the earth where the odds are stacked against us and proclaim the good news of God’s love. Intimacy with Jesus and incarnational living is how we help one other grow. This is shown in the lifelong valuing of one another. We thrive when encouraging others toward service in God’s kingdom and understand that living this life requires sacrifice. We trust God for what is humanly impossible and adapt as new doors of opportunity open. The scope of this ministry reaches around the globe, and it's in that context that we declare God’s glory. With a profound understanding of partnering with homeland churches, we collaborate with others of like heart, doctrine and passion to complete Christ’s Great Commission.

What's new with Christian & Missionary Alliance...

Schedule a meeting with one of Christian & Missionary Alliance's representatives.


One Alliance Place Reynoldsburg, OH 43068, US



  • IDnurse
  • Joanna Thelander
  • Carey Schlieker
  • Ashleigh Beard
  • Victoria Nichols
  • Caroline Dulaney
  • Kelsey  Van Housen
  • Jacob Olejarczyk
  • Stephanie Song
  • Amy Beadle


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