About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

The non-profit Family Health Foundation or Fundación Hogar del Ecuador began in 1988 and is based in Cuenca, the third largest city in Ecuador. Our board members are leaders in the Arco Christian Church. In the beginning, our goal was to serve the under served, ministering holistically to each person, as well as their families. At the time we wanted to stay open to wherever God would lead. Almost 30 years later we have settled into 5 main areas.

Centro Medico: We provide high quality health care for underprivileged people in our full service clinic. There are 16 medical specialties and we see 30,000 patients each year in a modern, centrally located, fully equipped facility in the city of Cuenca. We also provide medical coverage for the 2,200 Compassion International children who are part of the central-south district of the country, and work with the government social security system, performing surgeries for their over-burdened institution.

Under the umbrella of our clinic, we host between 5-9 International Medical/Dental teams from the US and Canada each year. 4 of these teams come from GHO, and the rest from individual churches and groups. We use the medical teams as part of our church planting strategy, working in conjunction with the local government, and Compassion International. Here is an article in Today’s Christian Doctor that talks about that. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nhnrejsur96txcj/Transforming%20Ecuador.pdf?dl=0   Over the years we have planted 6 churches this way and have strengthened many others. In 2017 we saw 11,500 patients touched by the love of Jesus.

Through La Esperanza Children's Ministries we serve in 3 remote communities in the northwest corner of Ecuador. Our goals include helping the citizens (adults and children) acquire their national ID cards so they can access government services and attend public schools, and improve the general well-being of these marginalized people, giving the children a vision for what God can do in their lives. We have also begun ministering to children of the recyclers in Cuenca- people who live around the refuse piles scavenging for items they can sell to recycling companies.  We hope to impact their lives, ministering to their physical, mental and spiritual needs, while integrating them into the Body of Christ.

Casas de Dios is a ministry that provides a house for people who own a piece of land but do not have the resources for building their home. We have developed a sustainable model that is bringing the families, churches, communities, and international organizations together. Seeing families make connections, develop economic and social stability, and grow spiritually has been a tremendous blessing. To date we have built 22 homes in 5 different communities including homes for the earthquake victims in Esmeraldas and Manta, Ecuador.

Education and Communication includes

a.) our school (K-12) which provides high quality, low cost, Christian education based on Biblical principles and values. We have been recognized by the Ecuadorian government as leaders in special needs education and inclusion (integrating the special needs children into the regular classrooms).

b.) We have the only Christian FM radio station (Radio Familia 96.9) in the southern part of the country, offering programs focused on affirming family values and Biblical principles in a non-religious format.

c.) Our capable staff and volunteers have become well known in several cities in Ecuador as experienced and talented professionals, skilled in presenting high quality seminars and classes. We cover areas including leadership development, marriage and parenting seminars, ethics and values classes, and more.  We regularly give presentations to government workers, businesses, police and military personnel, in secular and parochial schools, and churches.  

d.) MUYU, our internship program focuses on cultural and ministerial exchange. We help each student develop and apply the gifts God has given them, facilitating their spiritual, emotional and professional growth and development. The program can be tailored to individual and group needs, with flexible dates and schedules, and a wide variety of language, cultural, and ministerial opportunities. Students experience the local culture directly, both by living with Ecuadorian families, and through involvement in the local church and community.

We invite you to join with us in serving the body of Christ in Ecuador.

Specifically, we can host your short-term medical team, providing your church or group with excellent care and a clinic site where God is moving, while they care for our countrymen.

Our internship program MUYU is an excellent opportunity for you to get out of your comfort zone and seek the Lord for how He wants to use your gifts and talents in the Kingdom. As you can see we have many outlets for ministry, which allows for a rich experience during your time with us, and we can be very flexible to tailor your experience to your needs.

Marilyn Guido:    marilynguido@yahoo.com

Deanna Capaldi: dcapaldi@hotmail.com


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