About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

Haiti Health Ministries manages the HHM Medical Clinic just outside of Gressier, Haiti. Our clinic was completely destroyed in the earthquake of 2010. We now operate in a beautiful new clinic and includes patient care, patient education, laboratory, pharmacy, sonography, radiology, and minor surgery. We see around 130 patients per day or about 30,000 patients per year. The clinic has a staff of 13 including three doctors, a pediatric nurse practitioner, and prenatal/wound care consultant who do patient care. The clinic sees patients suffering from tropical infections like malaria and cholera, injuries from accidents, diabetes, hypertension, as well as normal prenatal and pediatric care. Patients who are seriously ill or needing surgery are transported or referred to nearby hospitals for admission. Patients are never turned away because of inability to pay. Evangelism is the most enduring part of the clinic's ministry. The Gospel message is presented clearly to the patients daily.

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PO Box 175 Girard, KS 66743, US



  • Philip Stevens
  • Mark Wells
  • Betsy Schlehuser
  • Amanda Little


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