About the organization


New Sight, with its mission to “Heal the sick, and tell them the kingdom of God is near you.” (Luke 10:9) has been serving in the Republic of Congo since 2012. Like many mission hospitals, its extraordinary story is an incredible tale of the amazing grace of God. By partnering and empowering the local community, our primary focus so far has been to change lives and communities through giving sight and health education. Moreover, we partner with more than 30 local schools and are the creators of a national children’s magazine with over 22,000 readers. With the purchase of a 6-hectare piece of land in Ouesso in the north of the country, we are building facilities and increasing capacity to better serve the needs of the community. We are about to enter a most exciting chapter as we will soon move into Phase 1 of this newly constructed hospital. We are ready to develop and expand into other areas such as medical, pediatric, surgical, OBGYN, dental, evangelical and pastoral ministries. We have several needs for several disciplines across several areas of ministry for like-minded individuals and families looking for short-, mid- or long-term opportunities.


Our founders, Joyce and Henri Samoutou, will be here all the way from Congo at GMHC 2024! They are looking forward to learning, worshipping and fellowshipping with believers who are equally passionate about God and His heart for missions. They are also looking forward to making new friends and are very much hoping to see missionaries from other organisations with whom they have had the privilege of working with over the course of their missionary journey since 2006, such as those from Bongolo Hospital, Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS), Samaritan’s Purse, Christian & Missionary Alliance (CMA), and Mercy Ships.


Joyce and Henri will be sharing at the following events:


Thursday 07-Nov-24 

12:10-12:50pm Main Building ATCR 209

Grab a boxed meal lunch: Calling History Makers! Opportunity to join and collaborate with a new hospital in the Republic of Congo

2:30-3.30pm and 3.45-4.45pm (repeat) Main Building ED 216/217

Breakout session: Ten things I wish I had known when I became an unlikely missionary doctor, wife and homeschool mama


Friday 08-Nov-24

10:00am-12:00pm Main Building ED 235

Breakout Session: Exploring the journey to full-time missions: agencies, funding, singles/families, guidance. The second hour (11:00am-12:00pm) will be small-group discussions where Joyce and Henri will be coaches for one of the groups.

5.15pm-6:00pm Main Building ED 230/240

Grab a boxed meal dinner: Calling History Makers! Opportunity to join and collaborate with a new hospital in the Republic of Congo.


You can also find us at the NEW SIGHT BOOTH at Fellowship Hall 2 FH2 ​Booth 2602


Oh and be sure to sign up for our newsletters if you would like to receive FREE tips, ideas and resources that have really helped the Samoutou family in their missionary journey. They will include topics such as top 10 versatile toys to bring to the mission field, easy creative fun things to do, gadgets and ingredients that may be useful in the kitchen, hard-core travelling with kids, transitions, TCK education, and more!  


Here is to the best GMHC yet!

What's new with New Sight...

Schedule a meeting with one of New Sight's representatives.


New Sight Rue André Sama, Quartier Ngongo, Ouesso, La Sangha 00000, CG


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