About the organization

Healthcare problems such as shortage of physicians and nurses, high cost of care, inefficiencies, poor outcomes and preventable medical errors are not confined to any particular geography.

A global shortage of physicians and nurses leads to inequity in care, and healthcare professionals are unwilling to move to remote and rural areas. And, referring the patient to larger centers is costly and delays the time for clinical decision-making, leading to poorer patient outcomes.

The bridge to this gap is remote technologies, but Inadequate telemedicine tools such as handheld devices and video conferencing apps do not allow for a comprehensive assessment nor any interaction beyond audiovisuals. In addition, hand and eye coordination and situational awareness with handheld devices are limiting factors in receiving adequate visuals unless a second person points the device to the areas of interest, which is inefficient given the existing shortage of staff and security and privacy concerns.

Using our technology, the frontline clinician can instantly & securely access the remote experts with the confidence of receiving over-the-shoulder guidance using augmented reality functions. All the while keeps their hands free and increases situational awareness.

When it comes to telemedicine, privacy is always a concern, and our solution addresses this by blurring any faces in the videos using our AI algorithm.

Our ecosystem improves access to care for patients by eliminating geographical and access barriers to care and brings care close to home! Ultimately reducing the burden on health system resources while improving quality of care and health equity.

For more information ReachUs@TeleVU.ca

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9131 Keele Street A4 Vaughan, ON L4K0G7, CA


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